Friends of Kisimani School is a 501(c)3


that supports education equity and sustainable development projects at the public school that we co-founded in 2011 in Arusha, Tanzania. 

Oh, how it has grown!  Here's our story.



What's New?


We had a successful fundraising auction in May, raising over $10k towards our education programs. 

The next step is completely sustainable annual funding. 

Did you know that most of our funding comes from less than 30 people who give an average of $20/mo?


$2,500/mo in revenue from our Giving Circle is our goal!  



To see our progress, or join as a sustaining donor please click below!


 Thank you for your generosity!


Join the Giving Circle

Just like you, my journey has had many twists and turns.  In 2009, I was volunteer teaching and traveling in  Tanzania, East Africa.

I discovered firsthand the disparity between public and private elementary education. Private elementary schools teach in both Swahili and English, while public schools only teach in Swahili. Yet, Secondary school is always taught in English.  (And you can only attend if you pass a huge exam in 7th grade, otherwise your education is over.) So not fair! 

My local teacher friends, and an entire community of parents felt the same way.

BOOM.  Purpose ignited.


That led to a beautiful  collaboration with government agencies, nonprofit organizations, teachers, parents and donors.

Together, we built and opened a new 'charter' public elementary school - Kismani School.  Local teachers teach in English, preparing students to continue their education, and the school is thriving beyond all expectations!



Kisimani School is ranked #1 

academically, and has maintained an astounding 

100% graduation rate 5 years in a row and counting. 


Talk about growth, right?


I get asked all the time: How did you do it?

Well, I trusted that the community I was collaborating with knew what it needed best. And I trusted my intuition to show me the next right step.  

Did I have a million dollars?  No.

Did I have unlimited time?  No.

Did I want to give? Yes.

So, I considered my motivation and core values, pointed myself towards true north, and made the leap!



Did we know 13 years ago that we would make such an impact on 10,000+ lives halfway across the world?  No! 

When I went to Tanzania, I went with an open heart, an open mind, and no agenda.  The rest took care of itself. (Including a hefty learning curve on my part.)

When the why is big enough, the 'how' will present itself.


What's your 'why'?  I'll guide you to identify your unique generosity blueprint that will lay a foundation for the difference you are meant to make.

About Our Work

We believe in development with dignity - a community-centered approach to collaboration.

To learn more about our work, past and current projects, and future goals, click below.


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Get Involved

To contribute toward our current projects, such as teacher training and the new library fund, please click here.


Travel with Purpose

Want to learn more about our upcoming travel experiences, that inherently benefit our non-profit and showcase our development philosophy?

I'm curious!